Premium Aroid Bark


In stock, ready to ship

1 Gallon Bag

Our Premium Aroid Bark Substrate is specially crafted for aroids and epiphytic plants. It offers excellent drainage, aeration, and nutrient retention. Whether used alone or blended, it provides an ideal environment for thriving aroids.

Can be used in mixes for other house plants. 

Plant Shipping Disclaimer: Live plants have different sensitivity levels to shipping stress including but not limited to shipping route/facility weather or being boxed up without light or ventilation for days at a time. Yellowing/lose of leaves, root rot, wrinkling of stems, discoloration, and other signs of shipping stress can be expected to some degree. Minor damage as listed above sometimes cannot be mitigated even through the best of practices per each plants unique sensitivities. Minor and Expected stress on live plants shipped by Scorpio Gardens as listed above cannot be considered for refunds. To minimize stress on your plants in transit, consider adding “heated packaging” for packages traveling through regions experiencing 40 degrees or less and upgrading to Express 2nd Day Mail

Ships from California throughout the Continental United States